
cyil 2010
volume I

Second Decade Ahead:
Tracing the Global Crisis

visit volume I

cyil 2011
volume II

Rights of the Host States within the
System of International Investment Protection

visit volume II

cyil 2012
volume III

Public Policy
and Order Policy

visit volume III

cyil 2013
volume IV

Regulatory Measures
and Foreign trade

visit volume IV

cyil 2014
volume V

The Role of Governmental and Non-governmental
Organizations in the 21st Century

visit volume V

cyil 2015
volume VI

International Transportation

visit volume VI


11.06.20. / adminisztrátor

website betatesting initiated

We have initiated the betatesting on this page. Hopefully we will be fully operational in days from now. This is just a test text to try how does the system works.

First we will fill in the English language and the rest of the 18 will follow up.

11.06.20. / adminisztrátor

CYIL 2012 Volume III coming soon

CYIL 2012 Volume III coming soon.

11.06.20. / adminisztrátor

CYIL 2013 Volume IV

CYIL 2013, Vol. IV

We are seeking authors for both the Czech Yearbook of International Law® (CYIL) same as for the Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration® (CYArb®). Please do not hesitate to contact our Ezt a címet a spamrobotok ellen védjük. Engedélyezze a Javascript használatát, hogy megtekinthesse. for more details.